
Note: all financial numbers throughout
this report are unaudited numbers.

Annual Report 2022

40 years of transforming Latinx philanthropy.

Words From Our President
Words From Our President

The Collective CorazĂłn Powers Us All

At Hispanics in Philanthropy, our work is grounded in the understanding that donors, partners, and community organizations are all part of the collective corazón—collective heart.

Over the past five years, funders have trusted us to push past boundaries and reimagine what was possible. From ongoing pandemics, gun violence, recessions, natural disasters, to political instability, we have witnessed that these crises are not confined to a single community—or even a single continent. So we have dedicated ourselves to providing solutions that match this disproportionate impact.

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Our huella in 2022:




regranted organizations via our various programs


channeled from individual HIPGivers to 220 projects in 14 countries via HIPGive


members in our network

Note: unaudited numbers.

We’ve been busy BUILDING, FUNDING, and FUELING Latinx power.

1. Building

HIP is BUILDING a better world for Latinx by cultivating the next generation of Líderes to ensure greater representation in decision making spaces adding a lens of Racial Equity. We’re BUILDING a network of fellow philanthropists to help transform the sector from within and to democratize philanthropy leveraging tech.

LĂ­deres Fellowship

  • Launched cohort 7 welcoming 25 new Latinx leaders from across the U.S. to the fellowship of over 300+ fellows.
  • Granted $34,000 in scholarships.
  • Trained 37 alumni in board development to advance our goal of representation.

Racial Equity

  • Partnered with ABFE to send a strong message around Black and Brown solidarity with the November Civil Rights study tour and hosted a study tour to Cuba to better understand the current situation on the island.

Transforming Philanthropic Practice

  • Launched philanthropic advisory services, offering nearly 700 hours in consulting and training services to our clients in the first year of activity.
  • Cultivated partnerships with ABFE and NAP to provide equity and justice centering advisory services to the sector.
  • Initiated a research project on the role of Latinx Philanthropy to be published in early 2023 (in partnership with the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy).
  • Participated in 21/64 Advisors of Color and the Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy (CAP) programs.
  • Hosted the first Mobilizing for Equity Latino/Latinx Donor Retreat in Miches, Dominican Republic to explore the potential role and impact of Latinx donors and resource mobilizers to advance justice in the region.

Membership and Network Engagement

  • Exceeded 350 Champion and Organizational members and over 50 individual members.
  • Hosted the Miami 2022 conference, which attracted 477 attendees, 40 sponsors and 165 featured speakers.

HIPGive & Innovation in Digital Philanthropy

  • Developed new functionalities such as Peer to Peer, recurring donations program, and Digital Giving Circles.
  • Grew our online community by 5%, reaching over 2.3M impressions and 31K interactions.
  • Attracted 61K visitors to the HIPGive platform, out of which 90% were new visitors.
  • Achieved 208 earned media mentions and 117 influencer publications.
  • Launched a learning center which published 14 reports and got 19K page views.
  • Expanded the scope of HIPGive’s campaigns by adding four new ones focused on Pride, communities in movement, climate resilience, and Juárez giving day.
  • Hosted 50+ webinars to train our partner organizations on the details of crowdfunding.
  • Received inaugural Anthem Award presented by The Webby Awards.


We’re FUNDING & RESOURCING movements via each of our programs to support communities working toward equity and justice. This year saw the implementation of our Power Building & Justice work and the launch of the new Colibrí Initiative addressing the intersections of climate change and migration.

Gender Equity

  • Regranted $1.5M to 27 organizations advancing gender equity for Latinx globally.
  • Spearheaded outreach and advocacy initiatives in Tlaxcala which culminated in a local program to prevent trafficking of girls and women.

Power Building & Justice

  • In partnership with the Racial Equity team, built a grantmaking model centered around Equity and Race and committed $2.7 million over three-years to 27 organizations across the South & Southwest.
  • Partnered with Hispanic Federation to create a $500K funding pool to support Florida-based grassroots organizations in response to the passing of HB 1557 also known as the "Don't Say Gay" bill in March.
  • Supported the Everytown for Gun Safety national listening tour.
  • Presented the PB&J initiative at a United Philanthropy Forum conference workshop alongside Efrain Escobedo, HIP’s Board Chair and Gigi Pedraza, Executive Director & Founder of the Latino Community Fund Georgia, a PB&J grantee partner.

ColibrĂ­ Climate Initiative

  • Announced “ColibrĂ­ Initiative: Mobilizing For Transnational Climate Migration Action” on stage at the Clinton Global Initiative 2022 Meeting.
  • Thanks to seed funding from the Roy & Patricia Disney Family Foundation and MacArthur Foundation, ColibrĂ­ links our established Migration programming and networks with our emerging Latinx Climate Action strategy.

Migration & Forced Displacement

  • $2.7M USD in grantmaking to 76 organizations across 9 countries (including Mexico, Honduras, Peru, and more) which allowed our partners to serve an estimated 560k migrants across the Americas.
  • Supported 110 organizations with capacity building & networking opportunities.
  • Launched the 8-part webinar series “Centering Frontline Voices Across the Americas” which reached over 1,000 people and held 3 dialogues on Migration, Climate Justice and Racial Equity


We’re FUNDING & RESOURCING movements via each of our programs to support communities working toward equity and justice. This year saw the implementation of our Power Building & Justice work and the launch of the new Colibrí Initiative addressing the intersections of climate change and migration.

3. Fueling

We’re FUELING Latinx wealth generation and the startup ecosystem through Inicio Ventures and its various initiatives. Through digital campaigns, communications efforts, and events HIP is contributing to writing a new narrative about Latinx and our communities throughout Mexico, Central and South America and the Caribbean.

Inicio Ventures

  • Deployed over $750K in funding and invested in 8 Latinx-led startups; ~65% female founded.
  • Partnered with Google for Startups on a Latinx Leaders Summit in Miami, FL in March and continued collaboration by partnering on 4 Pitch Events during Hispanic Heritage Month
  • 6 Pitch Events featuring 30 Latinx founders/startups in 2022 providing $210,000 in non-dilutive cash awards
  • Supported the next generation of diverse-fluent Venture Investors through the Capstone Venture Fellows
  • Created a new fund of $60K, the Latinx Campus Awards, for the next generation of Latinx-founders


  • Launched HIP’s new branding and website attracting over 41K visitors.
  • Reached 3.7M people across Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & LinkedIn, an 85% increase from the previous year.
  • Continued our Book Charla series with conversations featuring Jesse Leon, Carmen Rita Wong, Steve Phillips, and Central American refugees Luz Hernandez and Cristhian Pineda. Expanded our reach by partnering with Latino Rebels on two of these events.
  • Increased HIP’s visibility by supporting and presenting at:
    • Hispanic Promise Summit - Pledge led by We Are All Human on Zero Discrimination Day to hire, promote, retain, and celebrate Hispanics in the workplace.
    • Latimpacto, Impact Minds - Standing Together Conference. International impact investing conference based in Latin America.
    • Hispanic Star Hispanic Heritage Month Opening Ceremony.
    • The Latinx House’s inaugural Raizado Festival.

Awards and Recognitions

What’s Next?

Our vision for 2023—and beyond—is to continue leveraging philanthropic resources to mobilize and amplify the power of our communities and reach our vision of a just future where our communities are thriving. HIP will be celebrating its 40th anniversary this year and implementing a new strategic plan.

40th Anniversary & the Annual Leadership Conference:

In 2023, HIP will be celebrating and reflecting on our 40 years of building, funding, and fueling Latinx power. Our year-long anniversary celebration— which kicked off in Miami in 2022—will culminate in our 2023 Leadership Conference, bringing HIP back to its Bay Area roots.

HIP’s annual conference sparks dialogue on how to better invest in Latinx communities by bringing together key partners—from trustees and foundation staff to corporate and nonprofit leaders—to engage in learning and discussion through panels, plenaries and workshops. Our content informs funders of the evolving needs and priorities of Latinx communities, better equipping them to develop responsive funding strategies.

Strategic Planning:

We embarked on a strategic planning process to ensure HIP was well positioned to continue addressing the evolving philanthropic needs of Latinx and communities across the Americas. HIP’s strategic planning task team includes staff, board and committee members, and consultants connected with partners, grantees and allies across the region to inform the strategic direction for the next 5 years.

We are excited to continue consulting with the field and share our plan in 2023.

Thank you

This work would not be possible without the guidance and support of our Board of Directors or our 2022 Funders.

Meet our Board
  • Annie E. Casey Foundation
  • Austin Community Foundation
  • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  • Blue Shield of California
  • Borealis Philanthropy
  • C.S. Mott Foundation
  • Casey Family Programs
  • Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
  • Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
  • Evelyn & Walter Haas Jr. Fund
  • Fidelity Charitable
  • Five Together Foundation
  • Google
  • Grantmakers Girls of Color
  • Hilton Foundation
  • Hispanic Federation
  • Kaiser Permanente
  • Kresge Foundation
  • Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation
  • Metrovation
  • Miami Foundation
  • Oak Foundation
  • Raikes Foundation
  • Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
  • Roy and Patricia Disney Foundation
  • Silicon Valley Community Foundation
  • Skoll Foundation
  • Stupski Foundation
  • The California Endowment
  • The California Wellness Foundation
  • The John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
  • The Rockefeller Foundation
  • The Summit Foundation
  • The Wallace Foundation
  • Tinker Foundation
  • Wellspring Philanthropic Fund
  • Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation
  • W.K. Kellogg Foundation