
Adelante Alabama Worker Center

What has been the impact of COVID-19 in your local community?
¿Cuál ha sido el impacto de COVID-19 en tu comunidad?

Our community is not just fighting COVID-19 – they’re fighting racist, anti-Black, and xenophobic systems that aren’t designed to help them stay healthy or safe. Despite the risks to their health, Black and Brown workers in our community have been forced to work in unsafe conditions and subsequently expose themselves and their families to the virus. Thousands of other low-wage workers have been laid-off, without access to government stimulus benefits.

What have been the challenges in responding to the impact? What has been the greatest need in the community?
¿Que desafíos han enfrentado al responder al impacto de la pandemia? ¿Cuáles han sido las necesidades más urgentes de la comunidad?

People are not only struggling against the pandemic, they’re struggling to put food on the table for their families. The biggest challenge and need of the community is simply to give families the economic support they need to continue providing for their families. 

How did your organization respond?
ÂżCĂłmo ha respondido tu organizaciĂłn?

Our organization acted fast to respond to the COVID19 crises. In just a few weeks, we raised $100,000 for our Colwal Fund for Excluded Workers, which we distributed to low-wage workers negatively impacted by coronavirus and economic instability. Our members came together to organize a mutual aid group where they distributed fresh produce and perishables to families in need. Due to the increased need, we are in the process of raising $100,000 more to continue to support excluded workers in the Birmingham community. 

What has brought you the greatest joy in your work?
¿Qué parte del trabajo que hace tu organización te da la más felicidad?

Adelante is proud to be a cornerstone in the Birmingham community. During these uncertain times, we’re grateful that we can continue to support low-wage workers and their families in our communities as we all struggle through these uncertain times. 

What would you like people to know?

ÂżQue te gustarĂ­a que la gente sepa de tu trabajo?

Powered and led by members, Adelante is dedicated to fighting for justice, dignity, and freedom for ALL low-wage workers and immigrants in the Birmingham community and beyond.

How can the community support your efforts?
ÂżQue pueden hacer tu comunidad para apoyar tu trabajo?

You can support Adelante’s work by becoming a recurring donor or by donating to Adelante’s Fund for Excluded Workers at