
Hispanics in Philanthropy Awarded $5 Million Grant from The Packard Foundation

HISPANICS IN PHILANTHROPY AWARDED $5 MILLION GRANT FROM THE PACKARD FOUNDATION IN AN EFFORT TO SUPPORT HUMANITARIAN RELIEF ALONG THE MIGRANT CORRIDOR OAKLAND, Calif., December 17, 2019—Hispanics in Philanthropy (HIP) is thrilled to announce that it was awarded a $5 million dollar grant from The David & Lucile Packard Foundation for financial, technical, and capacity-building support to nonprofit organizations and shelters providing front-line humanitarian and legal aid along the migrant corridor from Central America to the southern U.S. border. Promoting the rights of migrants is core to HIP’s DNA, and over the past 35 years, HIP has prioritized the needs of migrants and lifted up issues of migration as critical to the safety, wellbeing, and protection of Latinx and Latin American communities across the region. In the last two years, HIP has expanded programming, implementing a transnational rapid regranting response while simultaneously laying the groundwork for a long-term transnational strategy. Since 2018, HIP has led four delegations to the US-Mexico border and Mexico’s southern border, hosted a Human Rights Summit, held convenings and amplified a call to action to various stakeholders including HIP members, nonprofit leaders and funder to lift up the local organizations leading the humanitarian response and inform strategies for future investments in the region. Through the Packard Foundation’s generous support, HIP will deepen its migration and forced displacement work in the region to:
  • Strengthen first responders’ capacity to offer critical humanitarian, legal and social services to migrants;
  • Strengthen the infrastructure of networks to allow for a more nimble and sustainable transnational network of first responders and advocates; and
  • Work closely with grantee partners to influence positive narratives about migration and forced mobility.
Earlier this year, the Packard Foundation granted HIP $250,000 for its Family Unity Fund. The fund, which raised more than $1.4 million, focused on an immediate and long term response to the family separation crisis, particularly supporting organizations offering legal aid as well as mental health and other social services for families impacted by the recent policies. “We are incredibly grateful and fortunate to have the Packard Foundation join us in this fight for human rights and dignity along the migrant corridor. This is what responsive, empathetic and bold philanthropy looks like,” said Ana Marie Argilagos, President and  CEO of HIP. “Through our border delegations, we have witnessed firsthand the devastating impact of our inhumane policies on migrants and asylum seekers. But we have also seen firsthand the commitment and hard work of organizations and first responders. Now, through this grant we’re able to bring critical and much needed support to first responders, shelters, and advocates.” As shared in a blog, Carlin Johnson Politzer and Linda Gargiulo, Packard Foundation staff who were part of the El Paso Border Delegation, said, â€śGiven its comprehensive approach to this issue, their established network and deep partnerships with other nonprofits, government agencies, and funders in the field, and their strong organizational leadership, we are confident that our investment in HIP and this particular program is the right one to make.” “The Packard Foundation has offered critical support to the field to preserve and protect the human dignity of migrants and asylum seekers along the migrant corridor,” said Amalia Brindis Delgado, Senior Director of Programs and Strategy of HIP. “With the generous support of funders like the Packard Foundation, who see the significance and urgency of this moment, and together with our incredible partners, we can address and prevent further violations of basic rights of black and brown communities, including migrants across our region.” Last month, HIP, with co-hosts Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees, International Community Foundation, ChangeLawyers San Diego Grantmakers, and University of San Diego School of Leadership and Education Sciences (SOLES) hosted a Summit in San Diego and Tijuana. The Summit brought together 95 funders, nonprofit leaders, foundations, academics, and community advocates from Central America, Mexico, and the U.S. to share collaborative ways to build intersectional, multi-sectoral, and alliance-based response strategies to the ongoing human rights violations of migrants and asylum-seekers at the U.S.-Mexico border. Earlier this month, HIP led a funder delegation to Mexico’s southern border to meet with partners and grantees. For press inquires contact Sonia Melendez Reyes at For all other inquiries contact Amalia Brindis Delgado at ### About Hispanics in Philanthropy  Hispanics in Philanthropy is strengthening Latino leadership, influence and equity by leveraging philanthropic resources, and doing so with an unwavering vision on social justice and shared prosperity across the Americas. You can learn more at and follow us on Twitter @BeHIPGive & Facebook for more frequent updates.