
Join #LatinosGive on #GivingTuesday!

So many organizations to choose from, so little time… we make it easy for you. Join us! We’re on a roll!
“For it is in giving that we receive.”
We made it. Glorious #GivingTuesday is finally here, and our HIPGive campaign has launched. Won’t you join us and become part of the movement, #LatinosGive on #GivingTuesday? With so many deserving organizations out there, it can be hard to choose the one that is right for you. But we’re here to help. Just peruse our website and find the organization that speaks most to your heart and inspires your generous spirit. Here are a few to get you started:

Are you devoted to helping young Latino women escape the clasps of sexual violence?

Then you may be interested in AsociaciĂłn AMA, a nonprofit and humanitarian organization that promotes sexual and reproductive rights and the prevention of violence against young women in Guatemala. Give to Asociacion AMA today at 8:00, 12:00 or 18:00 local time in Central America and a dedicated donor will match your gift, doubling your donation.

Can you imagine the difficulties of returning to your community after being incarcerated?

If you would like to see your donation go directly to helping a group of Honduran women looking to better their lives and make a positive impact in their community, then check out FundaciĂłn Junior Achievement Honduras. This nonprofit benefits 14 women who would like to take part in entrepreneurship programs that will help them learn skills and allow them to reintegrate back into their communities and economically support themselves and their families.

Are you motivated to stop the school-to-prison pipeline in the U.S.?

Check out Teachers Unite and its program Full Court Press Against #SchoolPushOut2017. Through advocacy, organizing, training, coaching, and the development of resources, this group is working to help hundreds of students and educators lead and train in Restorative and Transformative Justice programs in more than one hundred New York City public schools. There are several dozen organizations to choose from, and they all need your help. Join HIPGive’s #LatinosGive campaign and in celebrating Latino generosity. Won’t you join us and make a donation that will serve our communities in the U.S. and throughout the Americas?