
Solidarity and Support for Colombia

Calling for Respect of Human Rights in Colombia & Resources for its People during Social Unrest

Hispanics in Philanthropy (HIP) has joined the international calls to support Colombians facing a brutal militarized response from their government following their demands for economic, social and racial justice. 

Over the last month major cities across Colombia have erupted in protests against tax reforms designed to fill economic gaps resulting from COVID-19 closures. These measures called for increased taxes on utilities and food; impacting communities already hard hit by the pandemic. Colombians, 42% of whom are now living in poverty, demand to be heard in the face of a shrinking economy, ongoing COVID-19 protocols, work stoppages, and limited access to essential services. 

As of May 14th, at least 435 people have gone missing and are presumed to be in clandestine detention centers and at least 41 protesters around the country have been killed—many of whom have been identified as Afro-Colombian and Indigenous. Tens of thousands of people, including peaceful passive observers have been not only harassed but physically, sexually and psychologically abused by police.

HIP partners and allies have signaled a need for immediate resources to protect people and provide continued monitoring, documentation, and legal representation for those abused at the hands of the state. Ana Marie Argilagos, President & CEO of HIP shared the following sentiment: 

“Our hearts break as we witness the dehumanization of Colombians take place in front of our eyes. HIP’s partners in Colombia have relayed horrifying accounts of women and children traumatized by violent acts at the hands of this militarized response. We are in solidarity with the frontline communities, including our grantee partners and allied organizations, and movements  who work to protect their rights.  We are grateful for their leadership to bring peaceful, equitable solutions to both a militarized state of unrest and to the ongoing, historical economic and racial disparities, especially those faced by Indigenous, Afro-Colombian, and migrant communities.

“We urge our allies and partners in philanthropy and in Latinx communities across the world to learn more about and donate to support organizations protecting and advocating for respect for human rights, justice and solidarity in Colombia.”

In alignment with HIP’s Multiracial Democracy Building agenda and the Migration and Forced Displacement program—meant to address root causes and create stable environments for migrant-receiving communities—HIP is mobilizing resources to our Colombia Solidarity Fund to support our grantee partners and other frontline organizations providing essential service to communities across Colombia. This will support organizations, movements, and communities in Colombia working to sustain democracy, hold their government accountable to the needs of the people, and forge greater alliances across communities in Colombia and the region.  

Below you will find information about our partners and allies, and resources shared directly from our grantee partners on how and where to direct support.

If you would like to inquire more about how HIP can support your cross-border giving, please reach out to Hilda Vega, Director of Philanthropic Practice, at


Colombian activists urge the international community to be informed and follow authentic and grassroots organizations and news sources to be informed and hear directly from communities about what is happening across Colombia, subverting misinformation campaigns. 

Consider following the hashtag or alternative media sources.

Consider donating to the following trusted organizations across the country.

Community based organizations: 

Provides legal representation for victims: 

Supports accountability efforts or political advocacy:  

Provides research and peacebuilding: 

HIP Grantee Partners in Colombia:

  • Women’s Link Worldwide: Fighting for the right to sexual and reproductive health for Venezuelan migrant women in Colombia and Ecuador, and providing legal representation of women and girl victims of recent state violence.
  • FundaciĂłn Colombovenezolana Nueva IlusiĂłn: Promoting and defending human rights by supporting Venezuelan migrants, Colombians returning to Colombia from Venezuela, and mixed status families impacted by the socioeconomic and political situation in Venezuela. 
  • FundaciĂłn Comparte Por Una Vida: Offering comprehensive programs aimed at promoting a safe, dignified, and appropriate environment where adversity (especially malnutrition) can be prevented in migrant and host communities.
  • Venezolanos en Barranquilla: Advancing a variety of programs to support Venezuelans living in the Colombian Caribbean region and building bridges with Colombian communities. 

Regional Partner Advocacy Organizations Addressing Accountability:

  • CEJIL: Leveraging international law, compliance with human rights, and the Inter-American system’s mechanisms of protection to defend people whose rights have been infringed, prioritizing those who are most at risk.
  • WOLA: Spotlighting and advocating for policies that address the urgent humanitarian needs of the Venezuelan people and supporting a humane response to the unique needs of Venezuelan migrants and refugees. HIP joins their call for a bold response from the Biden administration.

HIP Allies in Colombia:

  • ABACO/Acesso: A partnership that links Colombian agribusinesses of smallholder farmers with food banks serving Venezuelan migrants and COVID-19 impacted Colombians. 
  • Scalabrini International Migration Network: Safeguarding and promoting the dignity and rights of migrants, refugees, and internally displaced people through a global network of think tanks, social service centers, shelters, senior centers, orphanages, medical clinics, kindergartens, schools, employment centers, and cultural centers. 
  • CODHES: A non-profit civil society organization that contributes to the construction of democratic, inclusive and supportive societies, with full respect for human rights and international humanitarian law.
  • DeJusticia: A research and advocacy organization dedicated to the strengthening of the rule of law and the promotion of social justice and human rights in Colombia and the Global South.
  • OpciĂłn Legal: Works in favor of vulnerable populations to contribute to the strengthening of the social state of law and peaceful coexistence.