
Support to Nonprofits Will Boost Latino Men and Boys in Arizona and New Mexico

At least $350,000 in support will strengthen work to improve Latino males’ health, education and employment outcomes

Oakland, Calif. (March 11, 2015) â€“ Hispanics in Philanthropy (HIP), the leading advocate for Latino-led and Latino-serving philanthropic and nonprofit funding, today announced the investment of at least $350,000 in support under its Southwest Latino Men and Boys Initiative.

For this initiative, HIP partnered with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s (RWJF) Forward Promise Catalyst Program and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. Hispanics in Philanthropy also collaborated with local partners in the Southwest that share the funders’ commitment to empower the Latino community. These grants focus on addressing the root causes of economic and social disparity for Latino males in the Southwest. From addressing the high dropout rate to creating the foundation for college readiness, HIP selected applicants that deal with the issues on a daily basis, particularly nonprofits that work in rural communities.

Additionally, HIP has partnered with local foundations in Arizona and New Mexico, including the Phoenix-based Arizona Community Foundation, the McCune Charitable Foundation and the Con Alma Health Foundation, both in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The Kellogg Foundation joined them in collectively investing at least $130,000 to support the HIP Southwest Latino Men and Boys Initiative.

“The six organizations that we have selected individually contribute to creating an environment where Latino males in the Southwest are given opportunities to get ahead,” said Hispanics in Philanthropy Programs Manager Anne Hand. The grant recipients are:

Aguila Youth Leadership Institute, Inc., in Phoenix, Arizona
Amistades, Inc., in Tucson, Arizona
La Plazita Institute, in Albuquerque, New Mexico
La Red Del Rio Abajo via Enlace Comunitario, in Albuquerque, New Mexico
Southwest Organizing Project, in Albuquerque, New Mexico
¡Youthworks! Santa Fe, in Santa Fe, New Mexico

“Latino young men in rural communities face a different set of barriers to opportunity, especially because resources like schools and jobs are not centralized,” Program Officer Maisha Simmons, of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, said. “I’m thrilled to be working with Hispanics in Philanthropy to build capacity of organizations engaging rural Latino youth as we build a culture of health for all young men of color.”

About the Southwest Latino Men and Boys Initiative
The Hispanics in Philanthropy (HIP) Southwest Latino Men and Boys Initiative is building the capacity of Latino nonprofits in Arizona and New Mexico to provide highimpact services targeting Latino males with the goal of increasing their outcomes in education, health, and employment. This Focused Initiative builds on the HIP Funders’ Collaborative for Strong Latino Communities model in bringing together funders, local community organizations and multi-sector partners to increase investments and to build the capacity of community organizations.

About Hispanics in Philanthropy
Hispanics in Philanthropy (HIP) is a national nonprofit network of funders based in Oakland, California, whose mission is to strengthen Latino communities by increasing resources for the Latino and Latin American civil sector; increasing Latino participation and leadership throughout the field of philanthropy, and fostering policy change to enhance equity and inclusiveness. HIP invests in Latino leaders and communities to build a more prosperous and vibrant America and Latin America. By partnering with foundations, corporations, and individuals, HIP addresses the most pressing issues that Latinos face.

In March 2014, HIP released a report titled, â€śThe Right to Dream: Promising Practices Improve Odds for Latino Men and Boys.” The report frames the particular challenges that they encounter and highlights initiatives that not only help Latino men and boys to overcome barriers, but engage them to excel in surmounting those difficulties.

For more information contact:Anne Hand
Hispanics in Philanthropy
Programs Manager
Voice: 415-837-0427